Anger that is stewed over turns inward to make you hate yourself or eventually, it explodes all over someone else. Anger that is expressed at the slightest pinprick of frustration will exhaust you and everyone around you. Making anger work for you requires learning not to care so much about things you cannot change and learning how to act on your anger and change what you can, rather than exploding or becoming hopeless and depressed.
Learn to let go of your problems. It might help to write down the problems and then tear it up and throw it way. Sometimes something is 'not my problem', but it still hurts. Your feelings are understandable, but it is very hard to help others if you descend to their level of depression. They need someone on the outside to help them through. If you know that you have taken care of your responsibilities and done everything in your power to make things better, then you have to learn to let go. This does not mean that you will not feel pain. You still need the opportunity to talk to others about your work and to cry if you need to.
Anger stimulates the production of adrenalin, which prepares your body for fight or flight, making you physically prepared for action. This response creates stress. You should not sit on all that stress. You need to talk to someone or write it down. If you are still steaming, go to the gym and punch it out on a punch bag; or go for a run! Remember that when you go to the gym, put all your personal belongings in anyone of the Gym Lockers so that you can prevent any 'anger' outbursts again. Imagine this: "Why did you step on my bag? You have broken my sunglasses!" This is just one example of what happens to your belongings if they are unattended or when they are being 'mishandled' by other Gym users. To prevent any unhappiness and further anger from you, we always protect ourselves and our belongings -- lock your precious valuables and belongings in Metal Lockers or Steel Lockers. Whichever types ofLockers you use, as long as they can protect your personal belongings, you would have enjoyed some peace of mind. You would feel calmer.
It is futile to be angry with yourself. It helps to yell or to cry. You may feel better. If things seem to have spun totally out of control, you may need advice, perhaps from a trained counsellor, to help you prioritize and get things back on track. To reduce anger, you just need to act and change the situation.
It is futile to be angry with yourself. It helps to yell or to cry. You may feel better. If things seem to have spun totally out of control, you may need advice, perhaps from a trained counsellor, to help you prioritize and get things back on track. To reduce anger, you just need to act and change the situation.
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