For centuries, the need for scientific psychology has been expressed as a need for help as well as a form of intellectual curiosity. While philosophers speculated on human nature and researchers examined human sensory processes, educators and physicians struggled to find new answers to problems of helping people to learn and adjust. Much of modern psychology has been influenced by these early efforts to help others.
The Viennese physician Sigmund Freud(1856-1939) developed an early interest in neurology into a system of treatment for psychological disorders. His system of therapy was known as psychoanalysis because it emphasized the importance of analysing the "psyche" in order to gain insight into psychological conflicts. Psychoanalysis has also come to be known as a "theory" of personality and a perspective on human nature.
Psychoanalysis, a form of mentalism like structuralism and functionalism, assumes that psychological experiences are caused by biological drives and instincts. Living in civilized society inevitabley frustrates many biological drives, bit most of the resultant conflict is kept hidden from one's conscious mind. Conflicts and anxiety in one's unconscious can sometimes manifest themeselves in disguised forms, safely in dreams, or more dangerously in physical symptoms. Such symptoms can be crippling unless the sufferer, through psychoanalytic therapy, achieves insight into the original conflict, and the symptoms become unnecessary.
Although the principles of psychoanalysis have captured the public imagination, they defy empirical testing. Scientific theories are formed, tested, modified, and sometimes rejected on the basis of empirical(experience-based) observations. Yet psychoanalytic concepts like that of the unconscious mind cannot be tested, confirmed or rejected through observation. Thus psychoanalysis cannot accurately be called a "theory". Nonetheless the concepts of psychoanalysis are well known worldwide, and the application of psychology in the treatment of mental and physical illness has been shaped by many psychoanalytic ideas.
Humanistic Psychology
Psychoanalysis assumes that human behaviour is naturally selfish and uncivilized, and that people must be guided and coerced into being productive and helpful.
Humanistic psychology begins with a very different assumption. Humanistic psychologistsassume that people are essentially motivated to be productive and healthy, and only need guidance when circumstances have impeded their natural progress.
Abraham Maslow(190

Carl Rogers (19

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